Contact Us

Unlike others, we’re not difficult to contact. However, please read the following carefully to ensure your email finds its way into the right inbox.

For Players

We understand that it can be hard to contact online casinos at times. However, please bear in mind that is not an operator; we do not have access to any of your information and therefore cannot provide customized support.

For the following problems, you must contact the online casino directly:

While we would love to help you, we don’t hold any information on your player account and cannot be of assistance.

If you have questions about one of the online casinos we’re suggesting as an alternative, please get in touch.

Add [Alternative] to the beginning of your email’s subject line, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Emails without this addition will be auto-deleted.

Email address:

For Operators

We generally don’t onboard new operators, but there are exceptions.

First, you must have more than one brand in your portfolio. Next, your email must include answers to the following questions:

Add [Inclusion Request] to the beginning of your email’s subject line, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Emails without this addition or the requested information, and generic emails will be auto-deleted.

Email address:

Other Enquiries

There is usually no other reason to contact us, but you may send a generic request to

However, please remember that we don’t actively monitor this inbox, and it may take a while to hear back from us.

Your team at,
CasinoLogin CA

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